The Dayton Community Development Association conducted an online survey in March on people’s shopping and restaurant preferences. We advertised the survey via direct emails, our website, and Facebook. We asked, “what do you want to shop for or eat in downtown Dayton?”. The results are in! The insights gathered from this survey will be used by the Dayton Community Downtown Association, local businesses and potential new business owners to customize their offerings to best serve your needs. We found that:
- Area residents are interested in supporting new, local businesses in Dayton, including suggestions for a Grocery/Market, Casual Dining, and Local Art/Gift Shop.
- Several creative ideas were also proposed, such as a hardware store, bike shop or bridal salon.
- Due to the lack of options in Dayton, most people currently drive the 20 minutes to shop in McMinnville and spend their grocery dollars there
- Most area residents dine out at least once per week and spend between $25 and $50 on dinner for two (nearly a third spend over $50)
- Local Newspapers and Social Media are the top sources for local news and information, and should be considered key advertising channels for any new business in Dayton.
Read the full report here: DCDA Survey Results